6 Traditional Paper Anniversary Gift Ideas
Is your first wedding anniversary just around the corner and you have no idea what to buy your wife? This article will give you five ideas of traditional paper gifts suitable for this type of celebration. It may appear very hard to believe that a paper gift would be the best way to show her how much she means to you. However, there are such gifts women love, so they hold on them until the end of time (or until the end of the marriage for that matter). Here are six of them for you to choose from:
Monogrammed Stationery
If you take a look at not on the high street.com, you’ll find the Colorful Monogram Stationary, a beautiful set which can be customized to include your initials. The set is available in a wide range of colors, so make sure you choose her favorite one when you place your order. You can have it monogrammed with a romantic design featuring your initials. She’ll think about your first anniversary each and every time she’s going to use the stationery set. This is one of the paper gifts we totally love and recommend. Useful and elegant, it will find its place on her desk, that’s for sure.
Notebook Subscription
A notebook subscription can be the perfect present for a stationery lover and is a lovely gift. A number of companies now will deliver you a new piece of high quality stationery when and as you want them. This can be a lovely gift for a year and something your loved one will really be very satisfied with.
Anniversary Scrapbook
A scrapbook is a traditional paper anniversary gift most women love. You could choose it to show her that you value all moments she has given you throughout this year. Fill the scrapbook with your dearest snapshots and memories from your time together, but leave her room to add her own memories as times goes by. One of our loyal readers has sent us a great idea, which is to dedicate one scrapbook page to every anniversary. Mark these moments with a photo and a placeholder or save-the-date card. Years later, you’ll have a dear memory to hold on. This is surely a cool idea, a gift we consider to be among the best.
Leather Bound Journal
The leather bound journal from TiVergy on Etsy is another stylish paper gift to offer your wife for your first anniversary together. Write a romantic letter on the first page, reassuring her of your love. Be creative, and even write a poem, if you can. If not, you can choose a love poem you know she likes, and write it on the first page of her journal. This gift looks amazing, so she’s going to adore it! Besides, it is also practical. She may want to start jotting down some thoughts whenever she has a chance. Guess what? Each time she’s going to use the journal, she’ll remember you.
Love Message In A Bottle
A message in a bottle from her husband is something no wife would say no to. This is a creative and cool idea of traditional paper anniversary gift. She’ll feel romantic, and she’ll love you even more. For more fun, you can organize a treasure hunt and invite her to find the clues that lead to the gift. Make sure the hunt ends in a special place in your house (the bedroom could be one of the possible ideas). You can make your message in a bottle gift by yourself by following this step by step tutorial which shows you in detail what you need to do. you’ll also find out what tools and materials you need (consider getting some teabags, as they will prove to be very useful)
The Romantic Moonlight Paper Jewelry
Made from Japanese Chiyogami paper, the Moonlight Paper Jewelry is a feminine and unique paper anniversary gift created by Anna V. The Moonlight Pearl Gift Set features an attractive black and white design with pearl accents. Each of the pieces is made from Japanese Chiyogami Paper, an ancient, traditional paper. Your wife is going to feel special, and she’s going to be grateful for having such an awesome husband. Don’t hesitate to kiss her, as she may remain speechless when she’s going to see this gift.