Wedding live band – to be or not to be
Advantages and disadvantages of wedding live band
Music is played always at any celebration, especially at a wedding, where two fates are officially united together. It is impossible to imagine a wedding without musical accompaniment, without the traditional Mendelssohn march and without touching romantic melodies! From time immemorial, people believed that music at a wedding drives away evil spirits.
In the modern world there are many types of music and performance options, let’s discuss them in this article. Now, the current weddings are held in three versions of musical accompaniment: live music (guest performers with their own instruments), musical equipment on which pre-selected discs are played and also for club fans party – DJ invited to the wedding.
Live music at the wedding
Will your wedding be held in a restaurant or you are planning a wedding in a cafe – in any case, live music, which is honored by parents and older relatives, looks solid and sounds heartbreaking. Although wedding live band Singapore is worth a lot, because you need to find a whole musical group and pay for his work for the whole evening, and this is quite expensive. If this is exactly your option, it is worth discussing in detail each composition that will sound on this solemn day. In this case, you can even hand over the list of melodies compiled by the newlyweds simply to hand to the team of performers who will be sure that they will not get in the wrong, ruining the moment with an unsuccessfully selected composition, because everyone has different tastes.
For fans of club music
More driving club music, closer to the heart for younger generations and newlyweds can choose it. Then feel free to invite the DJ, he will put you those discs that will warm up your guests with a positive where it suits you. The main thing is to take care of the necessary equipment. An excellent restaurant for a wedding with a fixture for a DJ console will perform not only this task. The banquet room for the wedding can be arranged according to your desire to match club music by choosing the theme of drive at your celebration.
Wedding music without musicians
In the event that you decide to save on artists and do not intend to spend too much money on music, choose the option of musical equipment and create rhythms with your own hands. A wedding banquet in a restaurant with musical equipment is the most suitable option. You can take your equipment or rent on the spot in the institution. Then decide on whom to appoint in order to monitor the playback of discs – it can be a family friend or relative. Anyway, in this case it will be much more profitable than paying for the services of professional musicians. Just pick up your desired songs on disks or flash drives and take them with you.
Some restaurants have their own music. By the way, this option provides that you and your guests will not have to be distracted by the control of the music, you can ask to see the popular hit lists that your chosen restaurant provides and choose what you like.
Flawless music for the wedding
Ideally, a wedding is an exceptionally fun and boring holiday. The newlyweds are the heroes of the occasion and the right to choose music, and the last word in any case remains with them.
Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to those melodies that are simply obliged to sound at your celebration. As usual, these are the three most important compositions. Mendelssohn’s March, for example, is a classic work, without which, for the most part, not a single wedding ceremony takes place. But when young people choose tunes for themselves, it is worth considering whether you like it or not, in the second case, pick up what you think is more suitable for this role. In addition, pick up a melody for your first dance – this will be the second important melody for your wedding. And the third tune is for visiting ceremonies . When visiting registrations, promises of newly-made spouses are made under the accompanying notes of the background composition, so its selection is no less important than the rest.
Whichever option you choose, remember – the wedding is exactly your day. And let it become the most memorable for you! Happiness to the young!